Hair Transplant: Fue – Sapphire & Dhi Technique
Hair loss is a common issue that affects both men and women, leading to a negative impact on self-confidence. Fortunately, with the advancement of hair transplant techniques, achieving natural and permanent results is now possible. FUE and DHI are two revolutionary techniques that have made significant strides in the field of hair transplantation. In this article, you will discover what FUE and DHI techniques are, how they work, and their advantages. During hair transplant procedures using FUE and DHI techniques, local anesthesia methods are applied. These anesthesia techniques ensure that the patient feels no pain or discomfort during the procedure. The application of local anesthesia to the areas where hair follicles are harvested and implanted makes the treatment more comfortable and reduces the patient’s stress. The use of painless anesthesia also contributes to a comfortable recovery process after the procedure.
FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) Technique:
FUE is the most commonly used and minimally invasive method in hair transplantation. This technique does not require surgical intervention. In FUE, individual hair follicles are extracted from the scalp and then transplanted into areas experiencing hair loss. This method ensures that the hair follicles are implanted at natural angles, resulting in highly natural-looking results. Additionally, FUE does not leave any permanent marks like stitches, and the healing process is remarkably fast. FUE offers a painless and comfortable hair transplant experience.
DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) Technique:
DHI is similar to the FUE method, but it takes one step further in the implantation process. In this technique, hair grafts are directly placed into the recipient area using a special pen-like device. This allows the hair follicles to spend less time outside of the body, increasing their survival rate after transplantation. DHI enables more precise design of the hairline, ensuring more aesthetic and natural results.
- FUE and DHI techniques are minimally invasive, eliminating the need for surgical intervention and reducing patient fears and concerns.
- The natural angles of hair implantation result in natural and aesthetic outcomes.
- The absence of stitches and quick healing process allow patients to return to their daily lives more rapidly.
- Both FUE and DHI techniques are suitable for different hair types and can be successfully used for other areas like eyebrows and beards.
Conclusion:FUE and DHI techniques stand out as the most effective solutions in contemporary medicine for hair loss issues. They offer hope to individuals experiencing hair loss, providing natural and permanent results. However, as each person’s hair loss condition is unique, consulting with an expert physician for the most suitable technique is crucial. Working with a skilled and experienced clinic during the hair transplant process will help you achieve the desired results more easily and safely.